FYMD Music Awards: Best Use of Hyper-Melodic Malapropism

DampRid is a chemical wonder product that does exactly what it says on the label. And may your higher power of choice bless those people who named it, produce it and make your day a bit brighter by having Martha Wash sing about it. 

Also, let’s just say that the team working at the FYMD Kuala Lumpur Shophouse automatically directs 5% of take home pay to the folks at DampRid because no one is allowed at the office smelling like damp anything.

Anywho, FYMD would like to give this award for Hyper-Melodic Malapropism to the marketing department at DampRid. They weren’t swayed by high concept ads with shoots in the Amazon rain forest and the Sahara desert, and they said no to hiring Kelly Clarkson to show how she uses DampRid (you’ll never guess…and we’ll never tell) and they gave the finger to that English planner and their strategic approach to moisture removal and puppets.

And that’s why you win awards. By saying no to shit that sucks and using a song that everyone knows, that is a perfect fucking Hyper-Melodic Malaprorism for your product. 

Take a note Morrissey….”because, every day is like SUBWAY…”

*per Wikipedia, a malapropism is the mistaken use of an incorrect word in place of a word with a similar sound, resulting in a nonsensical, sometimes humorous utterance…or rhymes with a product that is being marketed and is kinda boring, needing an injection of humor to create impact (last part added by FYMD).


Uber + Gwyneth = Fire your marketing department


Breaking: Man confuses wife with car, hilarity ensues.